Thursday, 5 May 2011

A Self Portrait

"These are all the elements of me"

Nothing has haunted me more throughout these past four years than any question of identity. 

Who am I? 
What am I?  
What do I want?
 Where will I go? 

All of these questions, and undoubtedly many more, each contribute to the construction of our personal and cultural identities. In some ways they are impossible to answer. In others, the answers can be rather simple. But how do we know what is true? How can we be sure that the face we are showing the world is the real one? 

We can't. 

We simply have to trust. And learn. And grow. 

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words has hopefully provided you all with a brief insight into my life as a musician and some of the people who have helped in the construction of this life. It has also permitted me to explore the extent to which each musician has impacted upon who I am both musically and spiritually. Each person you have read about represents a different factor within my musical world: encouragement, support, belief, understanding, reassurance, optimism and pride. It is imperative to recognise, as I have tried to do here, that the things, the people and the places all around you have such a significant impact upon who you are or who you are going to be, and to appreciate that wherever possible. So to them, I dedicate this Creative Arts Project.

The world is full of beauty and love and life: you just have to find that one thing that makes you believe it - that one thing that makes you, you.

As for me, it's always been music. 
It's my blood. 
It's my soul.

It's me. 

Who am I?


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